Open Innovation Program with several partners launching challenges for startups to solve problems focused on Blue Economy – Economy of the Sea.

5 Challenges to Blue Economy

This program presents five major themes of challenges to startups that will work together with partner companies.

1. Sanitation

The main measures that can be taken to improve sanitation conditions and the development of circular economy projects for waste management.

2. Ports and Logistics

Solutions to make maritime transport more sustainable, with the reduction of the carbon footprint of ports and ships, and proposals for improvements in logistics.

3. Navigation

Solutions for sustainable navigation and reduction of environmental impact, and projects for monitoring and conservation of marine ecosystems.

4. Sustainability

Startups with solutions to promote awareness and education in favor of the marine environment, encouraging agriculture and conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity.

5. Energy

Transition solutions to a more sustainable energy matrix, including energy efficiency in industries and public buildings, the expansion of renewable sources and storage systems.


Challenges with transversal themes belonging to more than one partner. You will have the opportunity to connect with multiple institutions and develop an innovative PoC (Proof of Concept)!​

1. Logistics and Sustainability

How can the partnership between the Government of Rio de Janeiro & BlueRio Partners develop and strengthen coastal zoning and management, reconciling environmental conservation, quality of life for coastal communities and economic development?

2. Energy and Sustainability

How the partnership between PetroGal & Porto do Açu can decarbonize the maritime chain (with H2V production projects, biofuel pilots and use of offshore wind energy) while protecting mangroves and neutralizing the carbon footprint (with Blue Carbon and the use of biogas )?

3. Energy and Sustainability

How can the partnership between Porto do Açu & Wilson Sons & Porto Sudeste obtain technical resources for the development of new energy sources, decarbonization of fleets and logistic and port operational efficiency?

SEAS Challenges

Challenges of the Secretary of State for the Environment and Sustainability for the BlueRio Program.

How can a partnership between different organizations boost the creation of a water observatory, consolidating all environmental monitoring information from the state of Rio de Janeiro in an integrated platform?

How to use the existing infrastructure (optical fibers, for example) for the development of an efficient and low-cost monitoring system that allows predicting and alerting about the risk of landslides?

How to use aerial mapping and innovative technologies to optimize the flow of the Rural Environmental Registry license, as well as apply artificial intelligence to efficiently identify pendencies and environmental liabilities?

How to promote a culture of value and expand the dissemination of programs carried out by SEAS, aiming to disseminate maritime culture to the population of Rio de Janeiro?

Why be part of BlueRio?


Involvement in the global Innovation Ecosystem and the opportunity to connect with other players in the Blue Economy market in Latin America.




Possibility of financial support for POCs, in addition to enhancing your startup, co-creating solutions together with national and international partners.


Opening of new markets, business opportunities and future partnerships with national and international partners and with the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

How it works?

How it works for you to participate in BlueRio, the Open Innovation Program for the Blue Economy in Latin America.


14/07 to 27/08

Application period for the public notice for startups that wish to meet the proposed challenges. Carefully read the challenges presented below and find out if you are eligible to participate. If your startup has a solution to our challenges, send us a message using the contact form below.

Application evaluation

14/07 to 27/08

The Beta-i Brasil Innovation team, together with the team of partner companies that launched the challenges, will evaluate the registered startups, in relation to their product/service, how they will approach the proposed challenges, what is their value proposition and how it will be delivered, in addition to analyzing its business model. The selected startups will move on to the Pitch Online stage.

Online Pitch

27/09 to 29/09

Pitch Day to promote the meeting between the selected startups and the sponsor companies. At this stage, entrepreneurs present their solutions in 3 to 5 minutes. After Pitch Online, startups will be selected to advance to Bootcamp.


25/10 to 27/10

Immersion period for startups for dynamic training and interactions with the technical teams of the companies that launched the challenges, aiming at improving the project and the proposed business model. This is the preparation and selection phase of the startups that will develop the POCs.

Pilotos das Start Ups Selecionados (POCs)


Practical demonstration in a real application environment to validate the solutions. Startup and the corporate will work together.

Demo day


Final event of the program! Startups that developed Proofs of Concepts (POCs) with their respective partner companies can publicly present what was developed and the results achieved.

Seletion Notice BlueRio Program

An initiative of:

Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro with:

Secretary of State for the Environment and Sustainability of Rio de Janeiro and INEA

The Secretary of State for the Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) is the first hierarchical level body of the state administration of Rio de Janeiro. The main executing arm of this policy is INEA, whose mission is to protect, conserve and restore the state’s environmental heritage, in favor of sustainability. It is a reference environmental management body that plays a strategic role in the development of the state, with a highly qualified staff.

State University of Rio de Janeiro and University of the Sea

The State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), a public university in the state of Rio de Janeiro and one of the largest and most prestigious universities in the country and Latin America. In partnership with the University of the Sea, the University of the Sea Extension Program – UNIMAR.


Powered by:

Beta-i Brasil: Collaborative Innovation Consultancy


Beta-i Brasil, with offices in São Paulo and Lisbon, is a collaborative innovation consultancy with a global reach. We are specialists in corporate open innovation management, with projects oriented towards pilots of highly selected startups, and we design products and services together with internal teams. We use our experience and acceleration network to help ecosystems grow, connecting a huge network of entrepreneurs, mentors, experts, investors and knowledge institutions to solve things that matter.


Main Partners

The State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) is the highest hierarchical level of the state administration, with the management of the State Institute for the Environment (INEA), the State Commission for Environmental Control (CECA), the State Council for the Environment (CONEMA) and the State Environmental Control Fund (FECAM).

Mixed economy company that produces clean water with a focus on water security, innovation and sustainability, operating for 47 years in sanitation in Rio de Janeiro and focused on projects to expand supply in the Metropolitan Region.

Leads the private basic sanitation sector in Brazil, providing water and sewage for 10 million people. With an investment of approximately R$ 39 billion during the concession period, the company stands out for its advances in sanitation.

Leader in the distribution of fuels and commercialization of energy, standing out for its focus on innovation, renewable energies and sustainability.

Leader in the Brazilian market of environmental services and marine logistics, focused on consultancy and response to environmental emergencies. Its fleet of 28 offshore vessels, equipped with advanced technology, perform offshore data surveys for diverse sectors such as oil and gas, energy and more.

One of the largest integrated operators of port, maritime and logistical services in Brazil, leader in the port towage market and active in national and international maritime trade. With a wide range of business units, including container terminals, a fleet of tugboats and offshore support vessels, shipyards and others.

Galp is a multinational energy and mobility company present in Brazil through several subsidiaries. It holds a diversified portfolio of renewable energy projects in Brazil, including photovoltaic solar and wind. Galp has a global installed production capacity of 1.4 GW and a total portfolio of around 9 GW in various stages of development in Brazil, Spain, and Portugal.

Controlled by Mubadala and Trafigura, it moves up to 50 million tons of iron ore annually, with the potential to expand to 100 million, and has advanced infrastructure and sustainable projects in progress.

Located in the north of RJ, it is a private port and industrial complex with 10 terminals and 21 companies in various sectors, including oil, gas, mining and energy. Responsible for 30% of Brazil’s oil exports and home to the largest thermoelectric park in Latin America and the largest offshore support base in the world.

The Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro launched the 1st collaborative program for the economy of the sea in Latin America together with the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and the open and collaborative innovation consultancy Beta-i Brasil. The Economy of the Sea is a concept that refers to the sustainable and responsible use of marine resources to create jobs, stimulate economic growth and promote the preservation of the environment.

BlueRio’s goal is to invite innovative startups to solve the most varied challenges in 5 macro areas of impact (Sanitation, Ports and Logistics, Navigation, Sustainability and Energy), seeking to promote socio-economic development in Rio de Janeiro, but mainly, to spread the concept of Blue Economy to society and create opportunities to connect several partner companies with global startups

Talk to us

If you have any questions or want to know more about Blue Rio, leave a message with your contact and we will respond as soon as possible.





How it works


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The main measures that can be taken to improve sanitation conditions, including reducing the pollution of rivers, bays and beaches, developing circular economy projects for waste management and improving the conditions of water supply, collection and sewage treatment.

We want to answer:

How can new technologies promote greater efficiency in water and sewage distribution/collection and treatment processes?

How can a partnership between different organizations boost the creation of a water observatory, consolidating all environmental monitoring information from the state of Rio de Janeiro in an integrated platform?

How can we take advantage of the environmental liability (sludge) generated in water treatment plants?

Ports and Logistics

More sustainable, cleaner, innovative and efficient shipping, reducing the carbon footprint of ports and ships, increasing logistics efficiency and supply chain management, improving port security and risk management, and integration between ports, railways and highways.

We want to answer:

How to automate processes of transport, storage and reuse of tailings, to optimize the safety and operational efficiency of the port?

How to optimize efficiency, digitizing maintenance management, ensuring safety and operational sustainability?

How can we generate more sustainability in the data management process for control and knowledge throughout the operation, in order to reduce economic-environmental costs, such as demurrage, in other possible stages?

How can we contribute to the process of electrification of ports in an efficient and sustainable way, reducing, at the same time, the environmental impact and also the consumption of energy and fuel of the berthed ships?


Sustainable navigation, reducing environmental impact, encouraging the use of clean energy sources, improving the energy efficiency of vessels and ships, waste management systems and effluent disposal, and monitoring and conservation projects for marine ecosystems.

We want to answer:

How to achieve operational sustainability through optimization of navigation processes?​

How to make better use of available data, generating actionable intelligence for navigation optimization?

How can we have process improvement and use of new systems to reduce the carbon footprint. e.g.: how to avoid wasting fuel during maneuvers, or avoid using fuel during bad weather (storm)?

What are the ways to replace the ACM (auxiliary combustion engine) with renewable energy?

How can we improve the safety and operational efficiency of tugs for cable laying - can optimizing the process reduce carbon footprint?

What are the new forms of navigation, namely cabotage?


Promote awareness and actions in favor of the marine environment, including the insertion of maritime education in primary schools, the promotion of sustainable production and consumption practices, the encouragement of sustainable agriculture and fishing and the development of biodiversity conservation projects marine and coastal.

We want to answer:

How can we apply innovative and efficient nature-based solutions to optimize Blue Carbon capture and enable the commercialization of Carbon Credits?

How to use the existing infrastructure (optical fibers, for example) for the development of an efficient and low-cost monitoring system that allows predicting and alerting about the risk of landslides in the cities of the State of Rio de Janeiro?

How to use aerial mapping and innovative technologies to optimize the flow of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) license, as well as apply artificial intelligence to efficiently identify pendencies and environmental liabilities?

How to promote a culture of value and expand the dissemination of programs carried out by SEAS, aiming to disseminate maritime culture to the population of Rio de Janeiro?

How can we make logistics involving maritime transport more sustainable?


Transition to a more sustainable energy matrix, including increased energy efficiency in industries and public buildings, expansion of the matrix with renewable sources, implementation of energy storage systems, development of offshore wind power tidal energy projects.

We want to answer:

How can we reduce the costs associated with the water and sewage collection and treatment network through the implementation of a diversified energy matrix?

How can we increase the hydroenergetic efficiency of water collection and treatment processes?

How to capture, store and eventually use atmospheric carbon from the sea?

How can we advance the energy transition agenda in terms of energy and fuel sources used in maritime and port operations?

How to optimize the generation and distribution of energy for own use and commercialization?

How to produce and distribute energy from land in a clean and sustainable way, from an environmental and economic point of view?